A web application that provides a frontend to quickly create mix-up analyses for Wavu Wiki. It utilizes Svelte for the frontend and FastAPI for the backend (to compute the Nash equilibria using pygambit), both containerized and deployed via Docker.

I found the idea of modeling a mix-up as a zero-sum game very illuminating, and it prompted me to analyze many mixups for the characters I was playing - Katarina in Tekken 7 and Reina in Tekken 8. Creating mix-ups for Wavu required creating a .gbt file using the Gambit GUI, which has quite a cumbersome and fiddly format. I envisioned a simpler web-based UI to make creating this easier, which is what I implemented.

It works quite well for the most part, though the UI could of course use some more work. I’d like to add the ability to also include text-based descriptions of each outcome, since that is supported by the format, and I’ve included a feature in Wavu to also display that as a tooltip in the payoff matrix. It allows for compactly including a lot more detail about the mix-up